Sunday, 29 January 2012

Python simpleapi flask

I was looking for a quick and simple way to implement APIs with Flask and came across one aptly called Simpleapi.

After going through the examples, there seems to be a problem with getting POST data to the server, so after a small edit, GET works fine.

By default simpleapi client sends POST data, we will need to make a small change to make it send GET data. In /lib/python2.7/site-packages/simpleapi/client/, line 62, change
                response = urllib.urlopen(self.ns,
Change to:
                response = urllib.urlopen(self.ns %
Flask server
from flask import Flask

from simpleapi import Route
from handler import calculator

app = Flask(__name__)
app.route('/api/', methods=['GET'])(Route(calculator, framework='flask', debug=True))

if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=8888, debug=True)
#!/usr/bin/env python

from simpleapi import Client, RemoteException

calculator = Client(ns='')
print "the answer is", calculator.add(a=23, b=3)

Monday, 16 January 2012

Flask, virtualenv and Aptana/PyDev

I've just started playing with Flask and it's good, really really good. Today I want to tell you how I got Flask + virtualenv + Aptana studio 3, which includes PyDev, to work together.

  1. Create project directory and setup virtualenv environment in it
    mkdir projectfolder
    cd projectfolder
    virtualenv env
    . env/bin/activate
  2. In Aptana, import project then setup a new Python Interpreter which points to the 'Python executable' in the 'env' folder created by virtualenv command earlier.
    Go under 'Preferences -> PyDev -> Interpreter - Python',  click 'New...'.
    Now browse to your [PROJECT_FOLDER] -> env -> bin and select 'python2.7'.
    Change the 'Interpreter Name' to something descriptive like '[PROJECT_FOLDER]-Python' and click 'Ok'.
    A 'Selection needed' window will pop-up. Do not touch anything, click 'Ok'.
    An 'Error: Python stdlib source files not found' window will pop-up. Click 'Proceed anyways'. Click 'Ok' on preference window.
  3. In PyDev Package Explorer window, right-click on your project folder and select 'PyDev -> Set as PyDev Project'
  4. Right-click on project folder again and select 'Properties'.
    Go under 'PyDev - Interpreter/Grammer'
    Then under 'Interpreter' select the one we setup in step 2, [PROJECT_NAME]-Python.
  5. Click on 'Ok' and you're all set.
So it all runs pretty good so far, brought to you by the good folks of the 'internets' :)